Standard MTC Financial Aid
This financial assistance funds up to $3.00 per clock hour of the program. The 22-23 clock hour rate is $2.92. MTC Financial Assistance is available for all CCP programs that are not Pell-eligible, and CCP Pell eligible programs for students meeting specific criteria. An error-free FAFSA using the MTC school code of 031039 must be completed in order to be considered for this scholarship. An FSA ID is required to access this website and can be obtained at
Criteria for establishing eligibility are listed below:
- Be a United States citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
- Provide a current driver’s license or official photo identification.
- Provide proof of a valid social security
- Have a standard diploma—high school or GED, with an official transcript.
- Enroll in a Non-Pell eligible CCP program less than 600 hours, or Pell-eligible CCP programs where students are not eligible for a Pell grant or have an out-of-pocket cost whose EFC exceeds 4601.
- Have no defaults of a Title IV student loan or owe a refund on a Title IV student grant.
- Have no convictions for the possession or sale of illegal drugs, or for a sexual offense that occurred while receiving aid.
- Provide the required financial documentation by the scheduled deadlines.
- Have a valid, error-free Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) or Student Aid Report (SAR) with an EFC.
22-23 MTC FA Application
MTC Financial Aid Award for High School Seniors
This Marion Technical College Financial Aid Award is designed to give financial assistance to a Marion County High School senior who enrolls in a Marion Technical College career and technical certificate program. Recipients may receive up to $3,000 in financial assistance based on a determination of need and costs of selected career and technical program.
It is understood that the recipient of the Marion Technical College Financial Aid Award will meet the following criteria:
- Applied for admission to a Marion Technical College program
- Have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
- All students are eligible to apply, however, preference will be given to students in a Career and Technical Student Organization
- Exhibit financial need based on a completed FAFSA filed at using school code: 031039.
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of academic performance, leadership, professional potential and financial need. Recipients will be selected in the spring and awarded for the following terms. Please click on the link below to view and print the MTC Financial Aid Application for High School Seniors.
22-23 MTC HS Senior Application
MTC GED Graduate Financial Aid Program
This Marion Technical College Financial Aid Award is designed to give financial assistance to students who earn their high school diploma through MTC’s GED program and enroll in a Marion Technical College career and technical certificate program. Students must be identified as a potential eligible applicant by the GED department.
Please click on the link below to view and print the Financial Aid Application for MTC GED Program Graduates.